Author, Non-Fiction, Writing

Thanks to all of you who subscribed to my YouTube channel!!!

I appreciate the subscriptions from those of you who have subscribed to my youtube channel. Besides videos on different subjects, for those of you who write and would like to try live streams I host them several times a week. Check my schedule below. They have timed writing sprints and there are no goals or winners or losers. It is just time to socialize while also having support from fellow writers. Lots of people host them so there are all kinds available. Mine are still small and I am laid back. Sometimes we end up just chatting. And you don’t even have to let anyone know you are there and just use the timed sprints to encourage you to write. Unless you speak up in the chat, I have no idea who is in the room with me. It will only tell me how many people are there. Some people never speak. You can also watch the ones that already streamed lived as they are recorded and are available. There is usually talk in between each sprint.

If you can’t read the photo my start times are all PM and run sometimes as long as 6 hours or more. If I am not tired I will stay as long as people are sprinting. There are all different time zones in there and people from all over the world.

Again thanks to all of you who have subscribed and if you would like to subscribe, my page is

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Non-Fiction, Prompt



SYW Artic Ice

Welcome to Share Your World!  


Melanie’s Rules:

I will post four or five different questions each week for you to answer.  There are two ways which you can participate.

  1. Create a Share Your World post.  Then post the link to that blog post or leave your answers in the comments box of my blog.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World”  and link it to this post.
  3.  Ping-backs are activated, but how efficiently varies.  I don’t manually approve them, but sometimes they don’t show up immediately.  Why is an unsolved mystery.   For instructions on how ping-backs work, in case you weren’t certain, please click here.  You may wish to leave a link to your blog post in the comments just to be sure.  Thanks!


Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner? That depends. If I can have seafood, I don’t care what meal it is. Occasionally I will have breakfast foods at any of those meals. Depends on what I feel like eating.

Who do you admire most in the world? My mom (she is deceased now, but I admire her and how she lived her life).

With the obvious restrictions in place, what do you regret not doing in the last year? Seeing my youngest grandchild grow from newborn to an almost 1 year old. I watched him being born and saw him for about 2 months and then restrictions went into place. I got to see him last week for my birthday dinner and he is basically a toddler now. Missed most of the firsts.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

#weeklysmile, Non-Fiction, Prompt

The Weekly Smile for the Second of November, 2020 #weeklysmile

The Weekly Smile for the 2nd of November, 2020 #weeklysmile

Ok I hit my 100 subscribers on youtube during the week and so I set up a live stream to have people ask me anything they want to ask. I had nothing in advance so all questions came out of the audience watching my live stream. Some were writing or youtube related, but there were some that were personal as well. Nothing I couldn’t answer thankfully. That was my smile for the week and I am now up to 108 subscribers. Moving right along. And here I was sure that no one would every subscribe to my channel. I need to have more faith in my abilities. 🙂

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

#threethingschallenge, Fiction, Prompt

Three Things Challenge #407

Three Things Challenge #407

Pensitivity’s Rules:

Welcome to The Three Things Challenge.

Every day I’ll list three things that may, or may not, be related. The challenge is to simply read the prompt and see where your creativity takes you, using one, two or all three words in your post. There are no restrictions regarding length, style, or genre apart from keeping it family friendly.

You can use the 3TC, #threethingschallenge or TTC as a tag and the logo if you wish.

Have fun and these are your three things today are:



Carla stared at the brand new eyeglass case. She had a wonderful surprise when her dad said he had something to brighten her day. She put on the new eyeglasses and her vision became clearer. She could see again.


Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Fiction, Prompt

Weekend Writing Prompt #181 – Histrionics

Weekend Writing Prompt #181 – Histrionics


Pamela dug through her purse for a tissue. She intended to put on her best histrionics for this one. Randall wanted to go to his company dinner, but Pamela just wasn’t in the mood for it. She wanted a nice quiet dinner with just the two of them.

**********48 words**********

Sammi’s Rules:

A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend.  How you use the prompt is up to you.  Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like.  Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise.  If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in the comments.

Word Prompt



The challenge is simple: each week you will be given an exact number of words you can use to write a poem or piece of prose.  You can use any format or style you like; go wherever your inspiration takes you.  The only rules are these:

  • your poem / prose must contain this week’s word (see note below).  The word does not have to count towards the exact word count total – it can be in the title, or the first letters of the lines of a poem can spell it out – you can be as creative as you want as long as it’s there somewhere.
  • the length of your poem / prose must match the number of words stated in this week’s challenge.  No more.  No less.
  • A note on the word: you can use any variation of the word (for example: call, calls, calling, called etc).  If you find you are struggling to use this week’s word you may substitute it for a synonym – just include a note to explain the swap.  Remember, this is supposed to be fun! 

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here:

Non-Fiction, Prompt, Uncategorized

#WeekendCoffeeShare – Sleep Study

Coffee, Pen, Notebook, Caffeine, Cup
Picture compliments of

Thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting this prompt.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I just completed the second part of my sleep study and that I couldn’t use the child’s mask they had since I am a mouth breather and they didn’t bother to find that out so had to use an adult mask that covered my mouth and covered just the bottom of my nose so it wasn’t sticking me in my eyes. I ended up falling asleep and never got a chance to get switched to a BiPap since it didn’t affect my sleep, so Medicare will be most likely setting me up with the CPap and hopefully this time I can use it.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I have started NaNoWriMo on November 1st. I am struggling with the story and with Microsoft’s Word. My computer is so old and the memory is full so getting anything to run is difficult. Hard to get word counts if you spent most of the time rebooting and trying to get the program to run. Plus part of me just doesn’t know what to write or even know if it wants to write.

My blog has been kind of abandoned all these months and now that I have gotten so involved with youtube I have even less time for it. I do videos and do live streaming for sprints for writing. I have gotten over my fear of the camera and there is a link to my channel in the signature below if you want to check it out. I lost a lot of subscribers when I was in the hospital so working towards my first goal of 100 subscribers again. I only have 8 to go at the moment. 100 is the first goal on (UPDATE: I now have 108 subscibers and today I did the semi-mandatory “Ask Me Anything” question and answer session on a live stream. The recording is available if anyone wants to check it out.)

I lost a lot of the prompts I was doing. Some for sad reasons and some I don’t know what happened. So I am looking for new ones to keep me writing. I have found at least one new one so far and then there are some that I occasionally check out and don’t get an idea to write so I skip it that week and/or day.

My daughter took me out for dinner last weekend for my belated birthday. It was a strange set up with the social distancing and the masks. I don’t believe I mentioned this last week. Thought who knows. It isn’t in the one I copied over so I assume I didn’t mention it. I like my posts to be the same every week so I like to copy/paste the last one in and fix what I have to.

I got home from the sleep study a few hours ago and I am still awake so the machine and mask must have done their job. I may nap later, or I might not. Depends on how I feel.

I am trying to get a new aide. The one I have can’t come until night time and since I need help bathing and dressing she isn’t much help besides she just doesn’t get the bathing part. It is embarrassing enough without having to keep spelling it out to her. English is not her first language so communicating is hard.

Be safe everyone,

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website –

Author – Old Writing –

About my life –

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

I am also a youtuber in the authortube section on writing. See my videos here: