Author, Book, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Writing

Tessa Dean – Author

This is my new author’s blog. I will be using this as my author platform and I will be posting my short stories, flash fiction, poetry and other types of writing. I also write articles on subjects that I find interesting to me. I spent a year writing articles on Bipolar Disorder for International Bipolar Foundation.

I am also in the process of writing my memoirs and have posted 6 chapters to one of my memoirs on another blog. I am still in the process of writing my memoirs. I started in the middle of my life with my time spent as a military wife. They are a lot harder to write than I originally thought because my memory is failing. Last NANOWRIMO I started my memoir of my childhood years. That needs a lot of work before it is ready for posting on here.

I also have several different books started in the romance, thriller/mystery and horror/paranormal genres. With NANOWRIMO’s camp coming up in July I will be starting a new book and trying to outline it as I am a pantser and have never outlined a book before. We’ll see how that goes in July. I enter NANOWRIMO every time it is offered, which is 3 times a year, and sometimes I finish and sometimes I don’t.