#WeekendCoffeeShare, Non-Fiction, Prompt

October 2022 Weekend Coffee Share #93

Natalie’s Guidelines and newest post is here.

Coffee, Pen, Notebook, Caffeine, Cup
Picture compliments of Pixabay.com

Thanks to Natalie, the Explorer, for hosting this prompt.

Grab a chair and something to drink. If you were here, I would tell you that for over a month, we have had no hot water in the mornings, and then it became an all-day problem, and now we have to go to the other building to take a shower. What a pain! The heat isn’t working either. Everything needs parts.

My arms finally stopped hurting from the two vaccines I got. I get insulin shots, and it was hard to find places that didn’t already hurt so I could get my insulin.

It is almost time for NaNoWriMo, and I will try rewriting my memoir for it this time. I haven’t entered in a while.

I went through the hassle of getting approval for the extra miles for the medical transportation, and what I feared happened. They moved back to the other office, so it has to be redone.

We had a hallway trick-or-treating for the local community, so I participated by giving out candy. Our activities director did a nice job of setting it all up. They are still trying to get people to participate in the activities. Most people aren’t interested. We play BINGO for BINGO Bucks and can use them to buy things we might need or just want. Not a bad idea.

Have a great week, everyone.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses

New Author’s Website – http://www.tessadeanauthor.wordpress.com

Author – Old Writing –  http://www.finallyawriter.wordpress.com

About my life –  http://www.tessacandoit.wordpress.com

Author of a book published on the blog, https://tessacandoit.wordpress.com/government-property-a-memoir-as-a-military-wife/

15 thoughts on “October 2022 Weekend Coffee Share #93”

    1. I am glad my arm is feeling better myself. I get insulin shots and finding a place to get the shots was harder with my two arms sore from the vaccines we got. I know more about memoirs now so hopefully thing one will be better.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ugh – I hate, really hate cold showers and faced with it, would prefer to produce a sink of warm soapy water with water from a coffee pot or whatever and do a sponge bath standing on a towel. For me, it’s a lot less miserable than a cold shower – ick!
    I hope this gets resolved quickly and that you have a good week coming your way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately we don’t have pots and stoves to heat water on. I could microwave a mug of water, but it would take a while to fill a sink, plus I don’t believe there is a stopper in the sink.


  2. Ugh. Hope the facility problems are fixed soon and that your arm feels better. Several friends I know went through that getting their boosters. I just shared NaNoWriMo with a publisher friend – perfect time to work on a memoir! I’m gearing up for Nano Poblano, kind of a spinoff of NaBloPoMo.


    1. I hope the facility problems are fixed soon as well. I am tired of lugging everything to another building to shower. I have to redo my memoir because it seems I did it wrong according to the editor. So starting over again.


    1. Thanks Natalie. I hope they get the heat and hot water fixed soon because going to the other building and dragging all of our shower stuff is annoying and then having to walk through the building in our night clothes is not something I appreciate doing. Hopefully the writing doesn’t fizzle out.


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